12:33 AM Add Comment

 Have you ever sat down at your computer to work on a paper only to find yourself checking your Facebook posts instead? Or watched your pile of dirty laundry grow until it practically takes over your room?

Of course you have! We all need a little push now and then to tackle things we don’t want to do. It’s only human.

Whether you have a secret passion you’ve always wanted to pursue or need a nudge to help you tackle class work or a boring chore, these motivational tips will help get you moving. Let’s get started.

Do something…ANYTHING! Make a list. Get organized. Get your brain in gear. And just begin. Since getting started is always the hardest part, promise yourself that you can stop in 15 minutes if you want to. By then you may be on a roll and want to keep on going until the job is done.
Divide and conquer. No one says you have to do it all in one sitting or even one day. Divide big tasks into smaller ones, and focus on completing just one task at a time. If you’re writing a paper, start with the first paragraph; if you’re running out of clean clothes to wear, at least sort your laundry into dark and light piles. Feel good about your accomplishments. You’ll be surprised how much you can do if you take it one step at a time.
Stay positive. It’s practically impossible to get motivated when you’re down in the dumps. To shake that bad mood, turn on your favorite music, pull up the window shade and let the sun shine in or go for a short run or walk. You’ll feel much more productive once you get your juices flowing.
Ask a friend for help. You know the saying: two heads are better than one. Well it’s true. Besides, you might find that your friend is in need of a little motivation, too. Sometimes just knowing that you’re not in it alone can be very motivating.
Talk about it. Talk therapy is cheap and it’s a great way to get fired up about something you want or have to do. It also makes you accountable, which means your friends will expect you to follow through. Tell as many friends as you can about what you’re trying to accomplish and ask for their encouragement.
Visualize the outcome. Imagine what will happen if you never pursue your personal passion…if you keep putting off writing that paper…if you never take a minute to get to know that cute guy or girl in your math class. Now imagine what will happen if you do. Linking negative outcomes with not acting and pleasurable outcomes with taking action is a standard motivational technique. See if it works for you.
Fuel your body and your brain. A six pack of Dr. Pepper, three café grandes or a tall can of Red Bull will definitely get you moving. But for energy that lasts, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and skip the sugar. Nothing can kill a burst of motivation faster than a caffeine or sugar crash.
Reward yourself. You know you’re going to feel really good about yourself when you finally achieve what you’ve set out to do. But in the meantime, set a few progressive goals and reward yourself when you reach them with something you’ll really enjoy—like some new iTunes or a night out with your BFF! It doesn’t have to be big…just big enough to keep you going in the right direction!
Dress for success. Did you know certain colors can affect your mood? Wear red to boost your confidence, yellow for intelligence or orange for energy and mental stimulation. Light blue, green or pink will calm you down if you’re feeling tense. And if you’ve got a lucky t-shirt, put it on!
Remember why… It’s easy to stay on course when you’re feeling motivated, but motivation can fade as time goes on. Make a list of reasons why achieving your goals are important to you, and keep the list where you can see it. Read your list aloud whenever you need a boost to get you going again.


2:06 AM Add Comment

I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!” ~Theodore Roosevelt

I’m currently doing the whole “quit my job to pursue a dream” thing. I left the security and stability of having a salary along with a supposed career.

Back then, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I had no experience in blogging, plus I didn’t exactly have the confidence to market and start running a business.

Sounds crazy, right?

You can imagine the reaction I got from my friends and family. The support was next to nothing, and people generally never understood what I was doing—what I was trying to do.

Does this sound familiar?

You may not have done something huge, like make a career shift, but perhaps you’ve offered a different opinion, and everyone just disagreed.

You would have expected more from your loved ones. I know how disheartening that can be.

You expect support and encouragement from people you consider close to you only to be completely rejected, criticized, or worse, laughed at.

It can be really hard to swallow all the “noise” around you.

I was taken by surprise by some of the things I heard from friends; some of the comments were particularly hurtful.

I think it boils down to learning how to not care so much about what others think, and also, conversely, understanding what goes on in their minds.

I’ve come up with a little guide of reminders that I hope can help you keep going if you feel alone.

1. Your passion is a priority.

A lot of people go through the motions in life, not doing what they love. They end up constantly looking back, asking themselves, “What if?”

Whether people support you or not, do you really want to look back in regret one day down the line? To not know what could have happened if you tried to do what you really wanted to do?

This love of yours is one of the most important things in your life. Follow your heart, and not the words of others just to live up to their expectations.

2. Life is short

It may be a little disheartening to have people around you discourage you, but remember, life is short.

Do you really want to spend your time feeling down over others’ words when they’re completely unwarranted, baseless, and probably not making any kind of sense?

Do you really want to pull back on following your dream or doing what you want because of others, and start living a life that probably doesn’t fulfill your potential?

Remember that life is short, and it will be easier to stick to your own convictions when other people disagree with your choices or put you down.

3. Others may not fully understand.

People who don’t support you and discourage you may not actually be bad people who intentionally want to destroy your dreams.

Sometimes, they just don’t understand why you do what you do, so they voice out their concerns, which may make them seem dissenting.

I personally try not to take it to heart when people discourage me. I see it as they need a little education and explanation. Or sometimes, I just ignore them.

If anything, since they don’t fully understand, I don’t see why it’s something to be upset over.

4. Sometimes others are insecure.

Sometimes when people don’t support what you’re doing, it may be more about them than you.

It could be plain ignorance or even jealousy, but some people tend to attack things that are new to them.

So again, don’t take their words to heart. If their criticism isn’t constructive in any way, they may be discouraging you because of their own fears and insecurities.

5. Remember anything is possible.

Nobody can predict the future for certain.

The people who don’t support you might paint a gloomy picture of what’s to come if you do what you want to do.

You don’t know the future either, but do you want to listen to others instead of believing in yourself?

Don’t let objections from others become your truth and limit you from creating what you want in life.

Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard.

6. You can do this without their support.

It’s natural to want support and encouragement from the people around you, but it is possible to do what you want to do without it.

Just think of how many successful, inspiring people took the road less traveled.

You’re a very powerful being, just by yourself. Believe in that, don’t give up, and you’ll go a long way, whichever road you take.

7. You can’t please everyone in life.

You can’t. It’s impossible. And a lot of people forget that.

If you try to please everyone, it’s going to be next to impossible. So don’t bother. Keep your focus on what you want to do and why.

In an ideal world, would we could constantly surrounded ourselves with positivity. We can’t do that, but we can work on ourselves so that we stay committed and positive.

Are you surrounded by naysayers? How have you dealt with this?


1:46 AM Add Comment

All the art  of living lies in a fine mingling  of letting go and holding on”
“Havelock Ellis
Imagine that you have to move in two days. Would you be able to pack all your possessions in that time and clean out your house completely?

How about your mental baggage? If you have only two days left to finish all the important projects in your life, would you be able to do it?

Three years ago I left the country where I was born and raised and moved permanently to a different place half way around the globe.

Packing was not easy because there were so many things that were meaningful to me but of course I couldn’t take them all. But even more difficult was the part of leaving my friends and family behind. I couldn’t put my friends in a suitcase and smuggle them across the border.

However, the hardest part was still ahead. Soon after I got to the US I realized that I had to let go of a lot of habits and even my lifestyle. Everything was so different from where I grew up.

I had two choices: to hold on to my past, complain, and be completely miserable or let go of everything that was no longer relevant and start a new life while still holding on to my authentic self.

You may not have had to go through such drastic changes in life. However, we all face the dilemma of letting go and holding on.

A lot of times if we are not forced to let go of something we keep dragging 10, 20, 40 years of mental and physical baggage behind us. At some point that baggage becomes so unbearably heavy that we just decide to stop moving forward and start living in the past.

We stop having new goals and dreams. We stop meeting new people. We stop trying new things. We stop learning. But ironically, we still keep buying and acquiring more physical clutter to fill our homes and closets.

Of course, on the other hand if you throw away everything you love and enjoy, then suddenly you lose your personality. Frankly speaking, you cease to know yourself then.

So, quoting Havelock Ellis again, how do you mingle letting go and holding on? The answer to this question will give you the ultimate inner peace and balance.

1. Physical clutter.

In the world where buying is easier than walking (buying a new gadget requires minimum energy—pick up the phone and order it) it’s really difficult to keep our houses clutter free.

When you try to clean up, throwing away stuff that you no longer use comes easy—like a sweater that has stains from a barbecue party or your kids’ toys that they no longer play with. But how about things that you are emotionally attached to? It’s a totally different story.

Make a stack of things that have meaning to you, look at every item in that stack, and ask yourself “What does this thing really mean to me? If I don’t own it, will I still be able to keep the memories that are dear to me? Can someone else in my family have better use of this item?”

It’s even better to ask someone else to go over this stack with you. While you are emotionally attached to all these items another person (your friend, spouse or a family member) will give you logical reasons why you should or should not hold on to this thing.

Hold on only to a few mementoes that remind you about a particular joyful period. Find a good way to display them where they don’t obstruct your living space or devote only one closet to all your mementoes. Whatever you can’t fit in that closet has to find another home.

2. Dreams and goals.

As years pass we grow and change. Your goals and dreams should grow and change with you.

Can you imagine if all of us held on to the dreams that we had when we were 6-7 years old? Who did you want to be back then? I wanted to be a teacher, not because I wanted to teach others but because I liked to grade papers (in my mind, grading papers with red ink was THE coolest thing in the world.)

At each stage of our life we are allowed to have different dreams and goals. As we mature we can let some of our dreams “retire” because we discover goals that are more important to us. Letting go of a dream doesn’t mean that you have failed at reaching it. It means that you have cleared space for a more meaningful and mature goal in your life.

Hold on to the dreams and goals that are authentic and that represent who you. Let go of the ones that you don’t feel so strong about anymore and always create new ones.

3. Expectations.

One of the worst things in life is always trying to meet somebody’s expectations.

If you are always trying to reach the approval of others then you will never be able to live peacefully. None of us is perfect in the eyes of the others. None of us is perfect, period. The only way that we can be successful and perfect is if we set our own standards and follow our own road in life.

Of course, hold on to some social norms and politeness and also consider the feelings and wellbeing of the people you love. Being authentic and true to yourself doesn’t mean becoming selfish or thoughtless.

4. Bad habits.

Is there any reason to keep bad habits in your life? Constant improvement is a sure sign of a balanced and happy person. A lot of times letting go of a habit is difficult. That’s why so many of us (me included) fail at this goal.

The only way that you can change your lifestyle is to plant a firm decision into your head. You are not doing it for someone else, you are not doing it because you are expected to. You are doing it because you want to live the best life and you care about the people around you who might be suffering from your bad habit.

Choose one habit that you want to work with and “prepay” 20% of your success. It’s a marketing strategy that works great for attracting customers as well as tricking your brain into starting a transformation.

If you want to lose some weight what would you much rather do—get on a strict diet or stop eating sweets after lunch? Unless you are a disciplinary freak of nature you would choose not eating sweets after lunch. By doing that for a week you have “prepaid” for your success.  Next week it will be easier for you to start cutting your portions or move from an egg and bacon biscuit for breakfast to some healthy oatmeal.

Hold on to some of your habits (for right now). One of the main reasons why people fail at transforming their bad habits is because they do too much too fast. Choose just one habit and work on it until you have succeeded.

5. Memories and experiences.

Our brain is hard-wired into noticing and holding on to negative events five times more effectively than positive ones. This phenomenon is called “negativity bias.” It’s the reason why we keep dwelling on a negative conversation with a colleague at work instead of noticing the roses bloom outside.

The only way to fight this built-in negativity is to focus on positive events and make sure that your brain remembers them as vividly as it does negative ones.

Hold on to your positive memories by writing them down. A recent study published in Psychology Today suggested that it takes 5 positive events to outweigh one negative one in your life. Whenever you start feeling the attack of negative thoughts think of as many positive events of the day as possible.

Focus on the joys of present day and stop dwelling in the past.

6. People.

Sometimes we have to make a decision to let go of people in our lives.

It’s in your best interests to let go of difficult and negative people, those who constantly bring you down or undermine your efforts to improve your lifestyle. If they are unwilling to understand your current goals then you are better off without them.

If you are not able to let go then you might want to minimize the time that you spend with them.

Hold on to your close friends, your confidants. Whether it is your spouse, your family member or a friend please make it a priority to spend time with them, to share your joys, ask for advice, and have fun together. It will make you happier and more positive and it can even improve your health.

Letting go is not as hard as it seems. Every little thing that you let go of today makes room for something new and amazing in your life. A life of genuine balance and peace starts when you learn to let go without regret and hold on with gratitude.