Discover ways to stay calm when critical people
cross your path.
Encounters with negative people can be emotionally
draining and stressful. This is especially true when you are generally a
positive and productive person but have to interact with fitness colleagues,
family members or friends who bring you down. Understanding how to deal with
people and why their behavior causes disruption in your life can help you
develop better strategies for interacting with them.
Understanding Human Behavior
Negative people can find something wrong in any situation. They are
expert complainers, cynics, tyrants, worriers and/or victims. Unfortunately,
negative people may not be concerned with the effect their behavior has on
others; they simply want to get rid of their own uncomfortable feelings in the
fastest way possible. A quick look at basic human behavior will help you
understand why some people seem so negative.
Everything we do and say in our lives is shaped by
our particular life experience. We learn from a very early age that certain
behaviors produce certain results. For example, if we are hungry and we cry,
someone will give us food. If we throw a tantrum, someone will pay attention to
us and ask what is wrong. If we throw a big enough tantrum, people will leave
us alone. These learned behaviors stay with us throughout our lives.
As adults we are expected to repress our feelings
of discomfort (or stress) and behave in a more civilized manner. However,
expressing ourselves in a more socially acceptable way takes advanced
communication skills, and sometimes we haven’t developed them. Consequently,
when we experience stress, we may not act or react in an appropriate manner.
Typical Ways People React When Stressed
When faced with a situation that causes them stress, many people react
in unproductive or negative ways. Here are some of the most common responses:
1. People turn into “know-it-all dictators” who
boss others around and think no one else can do things as well as they can. (“Forget it—let
me do it—you’ll only screw it up!”).
2. They take on a helpless role (“I never do
anything right”) or simply withdraw from the situation (“Okay, whatever.”).
3. They behave in a rebellious or defiant way (“No
way! You can’t tell me what to do!”).
4. They respond with insensitivity, sarcasm or
inappropriate humor (“Hallelujah—you finally got off your butt to help out.”).
Sometimes people react to a stressful event in a
combination of these ways. It all depends on what behaviors make people feel
more comfortable at the time. Negative responses help them protect their egos
and their sense of control with regard to the situation.
Here is an example. Tina’s fitness director finds
out last minute that a big budget deadline has been pushed forward by 2 weeks.
He approaches Tina while she is calling a client and yells at her to quit
chatting with her stupid friends all day and get to work. Stunned and hurt, Tina
snaps back at her boss with a sarcastic remark and thinks to herself that she
will get to “his budget information” when she is good and ready.
In this situation, both Tina and her boss reacted
to the stressful situation with their automatic, ego-protective responses. The
boss raised his voice and personally insulted Tina. Tina countered by
expressing contempt and withdrawing from the situation. Now Tina thinks her
boss is a selfish jerk and he thinks she is insubordinate. The reality is that
neither Tina nor her boss is either. Both of them just experienced and
expressed feelings of stress in an unproductive and inappropriate way.
It isn’t always obvious that people are only
reacting to stress, particularly when they tend to express themselves by whining,
complaining or criticizing in the absence of any identifiable stressor. For
example, Cheryl’s friend Abbie is constantly complaining that nothing ever goes
right for her. Cheryl listens to Abbie and tries to comfort and reassure her
that she actually has a lot of good things in her life. Abbie continues to
complain. Frustrated and tired, Cheryl begins to mock what Abbie is saying, and
they get into an argument and stop speaking.
Abbie’s complaining is actually a communication
strategy she employs to protect her from what she fears most: that important
things in her life will not continue to “go right.” She uses a negative form of
communicating (i.e., complaining) to cope with the stress of potential future
disappointment. When Cheryl feels her supportive approach isn’t effective, she
becomes agitated and stressed and resorts to using negative communication
tactics to end the conversation.
for Dealing with Negative People
So what can you do when faced with someone who really gets under your skin?
Take a close look at how you react. For example, watch what you do when someone
rubs you the wrong way. Chances are you react (out loud or to yourself) in one
of the ways described above. Developing an awareness of how you deal
with negative people and situations helps you better deal with what you can
When you become aware of how you typically react
to stressful situations, two things happen. First, your awareness provides you
with an opportunity to choose a different way to behave. Second, it enables you
to maintain objectivity in the presence of stress. It helps you remember that
other people’s negativity is not personal to you or to your situation. It is
simply the way they express themselves when they feel insecure or uncomfortable.
Creating and maintaining awareness of your own
behavior and choosing to act in a different manner (i.e., not using your
automatic ego-protective responses) can prevent an encounter with a negative
person from escalating. It might not stop the person you are talking to from
being negative, but it will provide you with control over your response to the
situation. Your choice not to communicate in an unproductive way removes the
likelihood that you will be replaying the conversation in your head for days or
thinking of all the zingers you wish you’d said!
Loves Company
Some people seem to thrive on making themselves or others miserable.
Nothing you do or say can change that fact. After employing various productive
communication strategies with a person like this and finding that nothing seems
to work, ending your relationship might be the best thing you can do.
This approach may not seem like an option,
particularly if the person is your boss, a co-worker or a client. However,
there is usually a solution to dealing with negative people. You might request
a department transfer or a change in schedule to minimize your contact. If you
find the person unbearable to be around even for a short time, you may want to
think about joining another company or changing jobs.
Turn That Frown Upside Down
Dealing with negative people is difficult. Talking, working and even
sitting by them can be very stressful, even when you try not to get involved
with them. Therefore, it is important to develop ways to destress after an
encounter with a negative person. Try to find ways to release stress and
diffuse your negative energy rather than perpetuate it. Here are some
strategies for dealing with negative people:
- Take a brisk walk or work out at the gym.
- Write down your feelings in a journal.
- Take some deep breaths and let go of the stress.
- Keep a funny cartoon or photo in your desk or bag and pull it out to give yourself a laugh. Research has proven that the simple act of smiling and laughing (even if you fake it at first!) reduces stress, lowers cortisol levels and stimulates the immune system (Berk et al. 1988; Berk et al. 2001; Marci, Moran & Orr 2004).
you choose to destress, make sure you do it in a positive way. Negative
emotions and behaviors only produce or amplify stress.