once said to me, “I don’t read the articles on blogs as there is nothing of
value and I am always feeling like someone is selling to me.” My thought was,
maybe you need to upgrade which blogs you read!
some value today!
Right now, without thinking about
it, write down ten habits you have. These would be ten behaviors you have,
which you conduct each day or each week. Now go through this list you just
created. How many of the ten habits either add
value to you, your family, your business, or to people you meet? The
ability to achieve success or not is solidly aligned with the habits we have
created for ourselves. Specifically the intentional habits created which will add
value each day to us, to our families, to our business, and to the people we
come into contact with.
ability to create habits that are moving you toward success is open
to anyone at any level of education and any level of business. It is one of the
great tools to level the playing field. If you are confused or not
understanding what you might change here are a few options for you to consider:
- First, is to begin each and every week with your goals for the week. Actually write out these goals for the week on Sunday evening. Take your time and consider what you wish to accomplish this coming week.
- Second, write out the top five habits you need to have on Monday which will provide you with the best opportunity of meeting the goals you have set for the week.
- Third, at the end of the day Monday, review the list of goals for the week and see if any changes or adjustments are needed. Check off any goals which have already been reached.
- Fourth, write out the top five habits you need to have on Tuesday which will provide you with the best opportunity of meeting the goals you have set for the week.
- Five, repeat this process each day.
you have conducted this practice for at least three months you will be on the
verge of creating a habit. Do you already feel how powerful this process
will be for you?
word of caution regarding the use of your laptop or other electronic devices
instead of writing: There is something unique and
empowering which takes place when we write out by hand our goals and
intentions. If you wish to electronically track yourself after you handwrite
these out, great. The Sunday and each day process should be hand written out
first. The study to prove this is not at the top of my mind right now, possibly
one of the readers will offer the study in a comment to prove the power of the
hand written statement of goals and intentions.