Happiness is in mind, not in objects
Nobody can make you happy except yourself
Money can give you everything except happiness
Happiness can't be purchased. It can only be
Fountain of happiness is inside you. Don't make futile
attempts to search it outside.
Even if you are made the king of the whole world
and are handed over all the possessions and objects of pleasures, there is no
guarantee that you will be happy.
Happiness is your intrinsic nature. It is only to
be discovered and not to be acquired from outside.
The origin of stress is in your mind. Without
understanding and controlling mind, it is impossible to eliminate stress.
Nobody can make you unhappy unless you allow others
to do so.
Happiness is your valuable treasure. Don't allow it
to be snatched by varying circumstances and petty matters of life.
Happiness is not an element. It is a state of mind.
The spirit in which you meet the problem of life
measures happiness.
To seek happiness outside is like trying to lasso a
Happiness does not come from doing what we like to
do but from liking what we have to do.
Happiness is found in little things: a baby's
smile, a letter from a friend, the song of a bird, the sunlight in the window.
Happiness is like perfume, you can't spray it on
others without getting some on yourself.
Happiness grows out of harmonious relationships
with others, based on attitudes of good will, tolerance, understanding and
We are as happy as we make ourselves so.
Happiness comes upon you unaware while you are
helping others. Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! Thine own has reached
the shore.
The best way to keep yourself happy is to ensure
that others are happy.
Tension is not an object or a thing or a situation.
It is our reaction towards a thing or a situation, which generates it.
Mental attitude is every-thing in life.
Concentration: At that time, except the activity
the whole world should be dead for us.
Write commentsThat's true mum nobody can make you happy except yourself!!