a big fan of the infamous book and documentary film, The Secret by Rhonda
Byrne. However, there were some parts of it that I just could not wrap my head
around. How could a group of thousands of people, for example,
"attract" such horrific events such as 9/11 or the Newtown shootings?
How could an infant attract to themselves a terminal illness that was
present at birth? How could a large portion of the population attract to
themselves chronic illness or disability? No one would think illness into
existence, would they?
if you delve further into the study of The Secret, you'll find explanations
that answer these questions, some almost logically so. But, I have a different
take on the law of attraction as it relates to health and chronic illness.
let me say: the reality is that, sometimes, people do attract illness to
themselves. An obvious example would be a smoker who gets lung cancer, or a
morbidly obese person who has diabetes or clogged arteries. An NFL athlete can
attract a shoulder injury or a concussion, and may have to suffer the results
throughout his or her life. A person who uses drugs could use a contaminated
needle and contract HIV. Heck, even sharing a drink with someone who has a cold
is a surefire way to attract illness to oneself. So, yes, there are examples
where, I suppose, the law of attraction could attract illness our way. I
believe that is indisputable, and obvious.
what about the cases where there is no explanation? A baby who has cancer? A
toddler who gets juvenile arthritis? Did they attract illness to themselves?
No, of course not. And the vast majority of us did not bring these illnesses
upon ourselves, either.
that doesn't mean that we are freed of the responsibility to cultivate a
positive mindset and use the law of attraction to better our own lives. In
fact, I think this means that we have to focus on it even harder. This is
because I do believe that we can worsen our health situation, and that we can
truly attract negativity to ourselves. I think that we can sometimes attract
more health issues to ourselves by focusing upon the wrong things. Being
diagnosed with a chronic illness doesn't always have to create a snowball
effect … and even if it does, it's up to us how we choose to react to it.
example, if we only focus on our pain and live from a place of fear, never
exercising, we will almost certainly worsen our conditions. ("Use it or
lose it," is a truth, and nowadays, most doctors will agree that movement
equals medicine.) But if you focus on the mindset that you "can't do
it," guess what? You're attracting that truth to yourself. If you don't
believe you can, you never will. So if you continually think that you can't do
something, and you continually say that you can't do something, then you are
breathing life and truth into that notion. And guess what? You WON'T be able to
do it. (Especially if you never try!).
you're only focusing on the negative all the time, you're sure to attract more
negative situations your way. Whereas, if you're continually positive, you may
attract positivity your way. If nothing else, it can't hurt … whereas being
negative all the time certainly can.
fact, a negative mindset can weaken our immune system, cause depression, and
slow the metabolism. So, sure, we didn't attract RA (or lupus, or whatever) to
ourselves to begin with. But, through the law of attraction, could a negative
mindset be making it worse? I firmly believe that the answer is yes, and some
scientific and medical studies will even show the physical impact that a
positive versus a negative attitude can have on our health and our bodies.
try to focus on choosing positivity, and you'll likely see that more positive
things will come your way. If nothing else, you'll be a more pleasant and
enjoyable person to be around, attracting more positive feelings from others. (And
what better to help us through our bouts with illness and pain than the loving
support and positivity that we feel from those around us?)
you focus on problems, problems multiply. And the truth is, most of us have
enough problems to deal with, so why cultivate more? Instead, harvest kindness,
reap positivity, and you'll sow the rewards of a more positive you that
attracts good things into your life, and the lives of others.
website that focuses on the study of The Secret has this to say: "… you
must begin by releasing negative thoughts of the disease and replacing them
with positive thoughts of wellness.
a person has consistent negative thoughts their body will be further affected
with the progressing manifestation of disease. When you have happy and
positive thoughts, disease cannot thrive as well in your body and you will
experience greater health and beauty.
anxiety, and fearful thoughts break down the body's natural immune system and
causes disease to more thoroughly manifest in the body. Have you ever
noticed that people who live in fear of attracting diseases are the people who
typically manifest them?
body responds to thoughts that are impressed upon it from the subconscious
mind. That's why it is important to focus your thoughts on thoughts of
positivity, love, happiness, abundance and prosperity to keep your body from
harboring disease.
you have already manifested a disease or illness; you will first need to let go
of the attention to the problem, because if you continue to focus on it you
will create more of it."
do agree that when all we think about and talk about is our health (or lack
thereof,) that it can have a very negative effect on our physical, mental, and
emotional life, and can thus diminish our quality of life. I've also seen
enough research to know that optimism and positivity are good for our overall
health: mind, body, and spirit. But, like anything, there are exceptions to
every rule, and as we know, sometimes a positive attitude just isn't enough!
when using health and law of attraction, medicine still has its place. Dr.
Demartini from The Secret stated: 'If you are suffering from an acute situation
that can bring death or harm to you then medicine is a wise thing to do while
you experience what the mind is about. So you don't want to negate
medicine, because every form of healing has its place. Healing through the mind
can work harmoniously with medicine. If pain is involved, then medicine
can help to eliminate that pain, which then allow the person to be able to
focus with great force on health." With health and law of attraction,
'Thinking perfect health is something anybody can do privately within
themselves no matter what is happening around them,' says Dr. Demartini."
us: have you ever saw the Law of Attraction at work in your life? Do you
believe that your thoughts can have an effect on your health, good or bad? Have
you ever used positive affirmations of good health to help you cope with your
chronic illness? Please feel free to leave a comment and share your story.