hear time and time again in any industry where people will accuse a successful
person of being a “douchebag” when
they meet them. While this is not the case for everyone, there does seem to be
a trend where a certain celebrity, entrepreneur, or executive has rubbed
someone the wrong way when they meet for the first time. While it’s easy to
dismiss all other thoughts and simply label these people as “douchebags,” there are reasons to
everything. Here are five:-
1. You caught them at the wrong time
meeting someone of high-stature, they are most likely constantly facing
challenges and are bombarded with problems to solve everyday. To make it short-
successful people are usually busy as hell. With that being said, you have no
clue what has been going on in his/her day, sometimes it’s simply just not a
good time for them to interact with anyone, especially someone they’ve just
met. While this doesn’t give them an excuse to be rude, they deserve some slack
with the amount of crap they deal with all the time- and it’s a lot.
2. You’re rude and inconsiderate
human beings, I feel that we tend to focus on judging others actions before we
judge our own. Someone may react negatively to you and offend you, but have you
ever stopped to think what you might have done to warrant such a response?
Kanye West is known to be rude and hostile towards paparazzi, but in many
instances, these people are bothering him at 4 am outside his house or when
he’s on a personal lunch. If someone were to try and network with you during
clearly awful times like this, would you react positively? Yeah, didn’t think
so. Think before you act. The more you focus on being considerate of others,
the better everyone will react to you.
3. Your aim is to purely to get something from them and it shows
upside to success is all the financial and personal bonuses that come with it-
the downside is that you’ll slowly find more and more people trying to get
something out of you. This is normal as once you reach the top of the mountain,
the ones on the bottom want a hand up. Most successful people I’ve met have
slowly developed a filter when they meet people for the first time; they can
smell an opportunist a mile away. Instead, focus on what you can provide for
them first, it will put you ahead of the gazillion other people who approach
them for help. In the words of Venture Capitalist Brad Feld:
before you get. If you follow that principle, you will build a great network.
Make sure you are providing real value to the people you are trying to meet and
network with.”
4. They’re simply tired of people
face it, successful people are talking to someone everyday, whether it’s
meetings, running a company, getting pitched business ideas, shooting with a
crew all day, etc. Sometimes they are simply burned out and aren’t in the mood
to meet new people. The Playboy King of Instagram Dan Bilzerian pretty much sums up this point:
kind of a no new friends type of guy you know? So everybody’s here like they’re
trying to get something and everybody’s got a f*cking business idea so I don’t
really listen to that shit. I’m not trying to filter through any of that stuff
anymore. I do business with people I know and I kind of leave it at that. I
don’t know, after you reach a certain point, everybody is trying to pitch you
their idea… You just gotta shut it all off so I don’t even pay attention to
those people.”
5. You’re not on the same level
put: Successful people like to hang out with other people who are successful.
After all, “you are the average of the five people you hang out with” and you
sure as hell would want to keep that average high. While this does indeed make
things more “transactional,” it’s the harsh reality that you’ll have to face.
As you become more successful, your time also becomes more valuable, so you’ll
have to be careful of how you allocate your time. This doesn’t mean successful
people are bad, you can’t base a person’s character on a simple interaction
with you. To refer back to point one, you have no idea what this person does on
his free time to give back; don’t be mad if you just so happen to NOT be the
6. You’re asking for too much
If you
do somehow get someone to budge and help you out in some way, just be grateful
and accept what you get. But seriously, don’t ask for anymore than that. While
this seems like common sense, you’d be surprise the amount of people out there
who ask for a small favor, and that favor slowly grows into something bigger.
This will definitely turn the other person off and you’ll potentially be left
with nothing.
the next time you get the chance to rub elbows with an industry leader,
celebrity, or executive, be mindful of the points above. The key is to always
think about the other person’s needs first, not yours. Remember this or else
risk being like everyone else left with nothing where you justify it by
labeling others who are actually doing great things as “douchebags.”