11:04 PM

You can be a total winner even if you're a beginner,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,
You can wear the gold medallion,
You can ride your own black stallion,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,

It's not your talent or the gift at birth,
It's not your bank book that determines worth,
And it isn't in the color of your skin,
It's your attitude that lets you win,
You can upset Connors or Austin,
Or win the marathon at Boston,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,

You can profit through inflation,
You can redirect this nation,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,

It doesn't matter if you've won before,
It makes no difference what's the half time score,
It's never over until the final gun,
So keep on trying and you'll find you've won,
You grab your dream and then believe it,
Go out and work and you'll achieve it,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can!
~ Denis Waitley ~

As you can see, the way you think can affect your life profoundly -- either positive or negative. 
If you haven’t produced the results you wanted, chances are good that you’ve been thinking limited thoughts.

Are the thoughts you've been putting into your mind mostly positive. Do you expect to win more than you expect to lose, or the other way around? 

If you’ve been expecting to lose more than to win, don’t worry. Because today is a new day and you can control and change what you put into your mind. 

While it may be hard for you to believe you can actually change your thinking habits this easily, you really can.

It probably won't happen overnight, but if you start reconditioning your mind and expecting to achieve or win at whatever you do, your chance of succeeding will be greatly increased.
Try it. You’ll be surprised at the results.

The next time a little voice comes in your mind and says, "You can’t do it!" Just tell it to shut up and affirm to yourself.

"Yes! I Absolutely Can!"
After a short time, that voice will become quieter and quieter and eventually you won’t be able to hear it anymore. 

Please don’t be upset with that voice because its job is to protect and prevent you from embarrassing or making a fool of yourself, from feeling uncomfortable, or from failing (again).
The bad news is, by doing so, it’s been holding you back from being all you can be and keeping you from accomplishing your aspirations. 

One of the best ways to overcome limited thinking is to read inspiring quotations from successful people – people who started with nothing but the belief that they had the potential to reach their dreams.

As we’ve shared with you throughout our website, you do have the potential to achieve your desires. So start believing in yourself and keep on working on your goals no matter what challenges you may face. And very soon, you’ll turn them into reality.

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