11:12 PM Add Comment

 Whose Life Are You Living?
Have you ever felt like you are living someone else’s life? It is one of the worst feelings one can experience, and most of us, at some point, do feel this way!

The first and most important step to living a fulfilling and authentic life that is totally and wonderfully yours is to realize that it’s your life, and you deserve to live it on your terms. The next step is to remember what life you are meant to live, to go back to who you really are, and to let your passions and true personal desires surface again.
The process is more difficult for some than others, but the benefits are well worth it! The following are some of the benefits of living your life:

  • ·         Life has meaning and purpose.
  • ·         Your self-esteem shoots up.
  • ·         You deal with life’s obstacles effectively.
  • ·         People just want to be with you.
  • ·         You attract positivity to your life.
  • ·         You feel fulfilled and happy.

The benefits are many and cannot all be described in words, but the main reason for living your life is this: you deserve to!
I, myself, have been in the darkness of not knowing who am I and what am I meant to do, as well as not experiencing the fulfillment of living a life of purpose. I have made the journey, and I have seen others do it. Now, it is your turn. I believe that every one of us deserves to live an authentic life – a fulfilling and happy life. I have made it my purpose to help as many people as I can to achieve that.

Action Steps
1. Start a journal to follow your progress as you go through this book.
2. Decide on the time of the day that you will spend focusing on yourself – reading, writing, reflecting, applying what you learn – and anything else that helps you grow and move in the direction you want to go.

Can You Really Change Your Life in One Minute?
Your life changes the instant you make a decision to change. So, in reality, it takes even less than a minute to make the change that you want to make; however, you need many minutes to accumulate the information that leads to a particular decision. It is like a puzzle that needs enough pieces to see the whole picture.

Many people get frustrated that, no matter how hard they try, no matter how many books they read or seminars they attend, they still don’t seem to achieve what they want. Unfortunately, many people give up on living their dream lives ¼.

If you feel frustrated with the lack of change or progress in your life, you should relax and have faith that what you are doing right now is accumulating the “pieces of the puzzle” that, when the time is right, will lead you to make the changes that you desire.

Action Steps
1. Never give up! You might be just one little piece away from getting what you want. Realize that sometimes it takes twenty years to achieve an overnight success!

2. Keep learning and growing. By changing who you are, you inevitably change your experiences and your life.

3. Take action! However small it is, if it moves you in the right direction, just do it. If you have a dream, take at least one action step towards it in the next half hour – it will make you feel empowered and in control.

4. Then, do something every day, keep your eyes on the destination, and you will get there!

Produce the Results You Are Looking For
Did you know that, statistically, over 90% of people give up on their goals and New Year resolutions within three weeks of setting them? Did you ever wonder why so many people who set goals and New Year resolutions, one year later realize that what they set for themselves they haven’t accomplished?

Then, with new enthusiasm, they do it again, just to get disappointed later. It becomes a vicious circle, and, unfortunately, many people eventually give up making goals in life. They would rather not have goals than feel bad for not following through with them.

Unfortunately, when this happens, people tend to think that something is wrong with them! Their self-esteem goes down, and low self-esteem is one of the major reasons for not succeeding. But here is some good news: not following through with goals has nothing to do with who you are.

If you have a great desire to succeed but are not getting what you want, then you are simply lacking the right tools. By tools, I mean the necessary knowledge, skills, and mindset – all of which, fortunately, you can acquire!

When you stop blaming yourself for not having what you want and start learning all you can in the area that you want to change, you will inevitably become the kind of person who attracts what you desire and produces the results you are looking for!

Action Steps
1. Help yourself grow and develop in the direction you want to go. Decide how much time and money you will dedicate this year to personal development.

2. Decide what it is you really want to learn, and then find appropriate courses and/or teachers for it.

3. Do it today! If you expect different results, then do things differently, be proactive, and be persistent!

About the author:
All my life improved according to the tips which I got from this article,"WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE"


4:22 AM Add Comment

How do you deal with criticism? The first reaction for many of us is to defend ourselves, or worse yet to lash back. And yet, while criticism can be taken as hurtful and demoralizing, it can also be viewed in a positive way: it is honesty, and it can spur us to do better. Show your true talents while revealing your toughness by controlling the immediate challenge: resolving your own internal conflict. Be tough and don't whine or howl. Here's how to be in command!

 1  Postpone your first reaction. If your first reaction is to lash back at the person giving the criticism, or to become defensive, take a minute before reacting at all. Move slowly (not acting-out) toward the person, then turn away saying, "Let's talk about this in a minute." Take a deep breath, and give it a little thought. For example, let a critical email sit in your inbox for at least an hour before replying. That is like walking away from someone instead of saying something you’ll regret later. Save your reply as a draft and come back an hour or a day later to polish it before sending. Remember, emails can be forwarded to others by the recipient with a few clicks.

  2  Cool off! You have to absorb and convert some heat to positive energy. That cooling off time allows you to give it a little more thought beyond your initial reaction. It allows logic to step in, past the emotion. This is not a criticism against emotion, but when it’s a negative emotion, sometimes it can cause more harm than good. So let your emotions run their course--while making positive and pro-active inputs as usual--and then respond more specifically when you feel calmer. Don't get into a dog fight of snarls, red-eyes (burning tears) and glares that stem the flow of purposeful work or study...

  3  Turn a negative into a positive. One of the keys to success in anything you do is the ability to find the positive in things that most people see as a negative. Sickness forces you to stop your exercise program? That’s a welcome rest. Tired of your job? That’s a time to rediscover what’s important and to look for a better job. Super typhoon ruined all your possessions? This allows you to realize that your stuff isn’t important, and to be thankful that your loved ones are still alive and safe. You can do the same thing with criticism: find the positive in it. Sure, it may be rude and mean, but in most criticism, you can find a nugget of gold: honest feedback and a suggestion for improvement.

  4  See it as an opportunity to improve — and without that constant improvement, we are just sitting still. Improvement is a good thing. For example, this criticism: “You write about the same things over and over and your blog posts are boring and stale", can be read: “I need to increase the variety of my posts and find new ways of looking at old things.” That’s just one example of course — you can do that with just about any criticism. Sometimes it’s just someone having a bad day, but many times there’s at least a grain of truth in the criticism.

  5Thank the critic. Even if someone is harsh and rude, thank them. They might have been having a bad day, or maybe they’re just a negative person in general. But even so, your attitude of gratitude will probably catch them off-guard. Thanking a critic can actually win a few of them over. All because of a simple act of saying thank you for the criticism. It’s unexpected, and often appreciated. And even if the critic doesn’t take your “thank you” in a good way, it’s still good to do — for yourself. It’s a way of reminding yourself that the criticism was a good thing for you, a way of keeping yourself humble--not cocky.

  6  Learn from the criticism. After seeing criticism in a positive light, and thanking the critic, don’t just move on and go back to business as usual. Actually try to improve. That’s a difficult concept for some people, because they often think that they’re right no matter what. But no one is always right. You, in fact, may be wrong, and the critic may be right. So see if there’s something you can change to make yourself better. And then make that change. Actually strive to do better as a communicator. You'll end up being glad you made the extra effort.

  7  Be the better person. Too many times we take criticism as a personal attack, as an insult to who we are. But it’s not. Well, perhaps sometimes it is, but we don’t have to take it that way. Take it as a criticism of your actions, not your person. If you do that, you can detach yourself from the criticism emotionally and see what should be done. But the way that many of us handle the criticisms that we see as personal attacks is by attacking back. “I’m not going to let someone talk to me that way.” Especially if this criticism is made in public, such as in the comments of a blog or on a forum. You have to defend yourself, and attack the attacker … right? Wrong. By attacking the attacker, you are stooping to his level. Even if the person was mean or rude, you don’t have to be the same way. You don’t have to commit the same sins. Be the better person.

  8  Stay calm and positive. If you can rise above the petty insults and attacks, and respond in a calm and positive manner to the meat of the criticism, you will be the better person. And guess what? There are two amazing benefits of this:
  1. Others will admire you and think better of you for rising above the attack. Especially if you remain positive and actually take the criticism well.
  2. You will feel better about yourself. By participating in personal attacks, we dirty ourselves. But if we can stay above that level, we feel good about who we are. And that’s the most important benefit of all.
  9  Rise above the criticism. How do you stay above the attacks and be the better person? By removing yourself from the criticism, and looking only at the actions criticized. By seeing the positive in the criticism, and trying to improve. By thanking the critic. And by responding with a positive attitude. A quick example:
Someone criticizes something you have written by saying, “You’re an idiot. I don’t understand what x has to do with y.” A good typical response should be to ignore the first sentence.

  10  Take the interjection as an opportunity to clarify. Thank the critic, overcoming the insult by using the opportunity to explain your point further. By staying positive, you have accepted the criticism with grace and appreciation. Say something like, “Thanks for giving me an opportunity to clarify that. I don’t think I made it as clear as I should have. What x has to do with y is... and... Thanks for the great question!” And in doing so, remained the wiser person, and you will feel great about yourself for overcoming and adapting the insult to a higher purpose.

  11  Avoid seeing business and training as a "contact or blood sport" and see that you are not mainly hanging them high or letting them twist in the breeze: instead you are being the masterful communicator showing the low-achiever how it's done. Be the one who is thoughtful and demonstrating how to communicate to achieve your goal!

  12   There may be some times where an insult isn't as bad as someone calling you a horrible name of some sort, but they say something that could embarrass you.  
1.      Think of it as a chance to laugh or make your day better. Smile at it as if it were a joke. Who cares if you turn red. See that moment happening only once in your life. You'll look back on it one day and laugh. So, pretend you're grown up in the future, looking back on that day and laughing at it.
2.      If you can handle it, fake-agree. Fake-agreeing speaks for itself. Just agree, but fake it in a fun manner, such as a snappy, funny (possibly sarcastic) way.

  13  Here's an example: "Man, you got some messed up hair" (everyone notices and laughs) Smile (or laugh) "Yup, hair dryer won." Or whatever else you can think of. Yea, you might feel a little bad, but others will admire the positive part of your reaction.


2:13 AM Add Comment

In closing, always remember that every problem is an opportunity in Every problem is an opportunity when you look at the problematic situation from such a perspective. You always have a choice in how you decide to look at things in life. Your life is yours. You are the only one who gets to decide whether problems are bad or whether they are opportunities in disguise.

Everything that occurs can be boiled down to perception, how you see things that occur. Do not forget how important a positive attitude can be. You can choose to see a thing or experience as bad or as good. Events that occur are not inherently good or bad - in many ways, it is how you choose to look at them. Our attitudes determine the label we ascribe to experiences. So why not choose optimism?

Ask yourself, what perception of the thing or experience best benefits you? We should always be looking to get a benefit out of life and everything that occurs in our lives. Negative experiences are no exception!

When you see a problem as an obstacle, it will be just that-an obstacle! However, it will only be an obstacle in your mind because of your choice to see it as such. Think about the great misery, anger, difficulty and other negative emotions you will suffer because you choose to view it in such a way. Negative thoughts breed negative emotions and negative outcomes. Why choose to inflict that upon yourself?

Now on the other hand, when you see a problem as an opportunity, a chance, it will be just that-an opportunity, a chance! An opportunity or chance is a doorway that invites us into new experiences, new lessons we can learn from, and experiences that allow us to grow in life!

When you look at every problem or challenge that may come your way as an opportunity and do not resist the problem or challenge but instead accept it with open arms and a positive outlook, you'll overcome the problem or challenge quickly and come out of it on the other side with great rewards. If you trust yourself and maintain your positive attitude, you will go far in conquering any potential problems.

When you look at a problem from a positive perspective, you have started to constructively understand and attack the problem. This attitude is infinitely more productive than merely bemoaning the fact that you have a problem and complaining about it to anyone that will listen. Also, remember the law of attraction. When you begin to use your mind and see or visualize yourself victorious at the outcome of the problem or challenge, you emit tons of positive thoughts that will work in your favor.

The law of attraction dictates that like attracts like, suggesting that your positive thoughts will bring a positive outcome. Positivity attracts positivity, for that which is like unto itself, is drawn-the immutable law of attraction!

Once you begin to adjust your perspective regarding problems, it changes your whole attitude to life. After you embrace problems and see them as allies and learning lessons on your path through life, you'll notice how you gradually stop experiencing the traditional problems and challenges. Instead, everything that comes your way is manifested as a potential learning experience.

It is true that you cannot control the external world. The world will always keep spinning, and you cannot predict where you will be five or ten years from now. But you can choose to be happy! You can control how you feel. How you react to situations and see things in the world outside of yourself is entirely under your control. Remember, your world is the only world you can change. You will always experience resistance, opposition, struggle, frustration, and drama when you try to change things outside of yourself.

You would be wise to start seeing your problems, challenges, trials, and tribulations as opportunities. Looking at problems in a negative light slows down your progress and causes the problem to linger longer.

Even illness can be looked at in a positive light. Sickness is not your enemy! It is your friend. It conveys a much-needed message to you, indicating that something is wrong or imbalanced in your body or mind. Try to look at disease as a sensor, analogous to an oil light in your car. The oil light in your car comes on when your oil is low. You don't view the oil light as an enemy or something bad, but simply a warning requiring your attention to take action. It is only when you don't take action that the car shuts down. The same thing happens with the human body; when you don't listen to the message the disease conveys, your body breaks down or worse, shuts down.

A health problem is simply an opportunity to improve your health, and even better, to learn more about yourself. Start looking at disease in this light and you will greatly benefit from that which you used to dread.


Thank you for reading!!


6:04 AM Add Comment

How often do you ask yourself how to make subconscious mind help you on the road to success?

Secret of success #1

This is the first and the main success secret.
What does it mean an ‘internal intention’?
’An intention’ means the readiness to have and act upon the achievement. ‘Internal’ means that your desire comes from the heart and not from the mind. Heart controls emotions, and mind controls logic. If the conflict arises between emotions and logic, every time in all cases emotions win. They are stronger then logic in our Universe. Our Universe is a large bundle of energy. And our emotions contain a small part of this energy. Only your emotions control your life. They are like a magnet, attract to you events that you go through in your mind.

Why do I say just ‘an intention’ not ‘a wish’? ‘A wish’ is a tool of a mind. It wishes something, when it is not ready to get this. Your mind wishes something, but this thing doesn’t matter to your heart. Therefore not all wishes come true. Wishes become a reality only, when they transform into a desire and then intention. In other words, when the person is ready to have what he wants, then the energy of desire transforms into direct effects, what makes a law of attraction to attract things into your physical reality.

I could not understood, how happens, that man wish to achieve something and do not take any actions towards it's achievement. Now it becomes clear why it happens that way. WISHES COME FROM THE MIND. If the heart is not in harmony with the mind this wish will not come true. A mental discomfort will push away the desired events from you. When the mind finds something, that is in line with your heart, you are ready to work and put your efforts towards achieving your dream. Then you simply stop wishing, and start acting. You realize, that it is already yours, but when it appears in your physical reality is just a matter of time. Your believe is so strong, that you start realizing, that your desire is on it's way to you.

Try to understand, what success in life means for you. Not always it is something material. Material things are results of success, but not the success itself. Each person wishes to have a large nice house, excellent car, but the heart of only a few people desire the same. The heart of others desire something else. We have come into this world absolutely different. We cannot aim the public success. You have to find your personal success. You will feel, when you really find your niche. It will be accompanied by the feeling of joy and happiness, absolute peace in mind. These feelings bring into your life a lot of good and become permanent positive source of vital energy. The most import success secret is to find your personal path in life and follow it!

Secret of success #2

Let me reveal you one success secret, that perhaps will surprise you. Most likely your mind won’t accept it, but don’t reject this idea right away and think about it. SUCCESS IS A NATURAL WAY OF DEVELOPING EVENTS; FAILURE IS A DEVIATION FROM THE NORM. Now let me clarify why it happens this way and why there are more failures then winners in the world. On the page intention, I explain the law of the least resistance. It means, that Universe follows the line of the least resistance; it brings into reality things, that requires the least amount of energy, but it does not mean the big things in our understanding require more energy. Please look around: the nature is full of abundance, it is wasteful in all. Look at the fields, covered by millions nice-looking flowers, at the mountains, at the oceans, at the forests. How great they are! The nature creates this beauty without any efforts. Abundance is a norm and an ordinary development of events. See how harmoniously everything is established in nature. It is amazing, isn’t it? Why do people have everything vice versa? This poverty amazes too! The answer is hidden in a human’s mind. Human’s life is controlled by his mind. All events have to follow the scenario defined by the mind in advance. And if something goes wrong it is interpreted as failure and as unpleasant coincidence of events. As a result the person begins to experience negative emotions. To say the truth the other scenario doesn’t mean "the worse" scenario. Because what is death for a caterpillar it is birth for a butterfly. Interpreting events in the negative way, we step aside from the road of abundance and success. A mind take control over our life. It pushes off the heart to the background. That's why in the most cases people face with failure, they move the line of the great resistance. Life is unpredictable, but mind tries to define everything and forecast all the variants of developing events in advance. But it is impossible! Being disappointed and unhappy with the present scenario person moves to a negative life line, where everything happens opposite to the persons wishes and desires. Human makes a great mistake. He thinks, that unpredictable scenario of the events development is worse than predictable. . Let your mind does not interfere into process of goals achievement and then you will get what you want. Loose a grasp of the control. Then an unconditional knowledge, that you are on the road to success will open to you. And nothing can stop you, because Universe is wasteful on wealth and plenty.

Secret of success #3

You have to take responsibility for the realization of your goal and start to work hard towards it's achievement. The success secret of all wealthy and successful people is hidden in their work. Do you remember Thomas Edison and his 10000 unsuccessful attempts, that leads to the wonderful discovery; Henri Ford, who invented an automobile, the team of experts worked day-by-day on T8 model more than a year; and other well-known people. Nobody achieved success lying on the bed. Secret of success consists in the hard work. Work and only laborious and hard work led them to their goals. They overcame a great number of obstacles, that later helped them to make new and new wonderful inventions. And nobody was afraid to overwork. Watch the successful people, they work much more time with bigger efforts then mediocre people. They take a rest very rarely and relax much quicker and effectively. Hard work gives them strength. This is the main secret of hard work.

Though they work more, they are get tired much less. Why? Because they see their goal and live in their vision. It gives them power to work further. A page long-term vision treats this subject much more deeply. A man is created for a work, he become tired doing nothing and his heart gets bored of laziness. Look around. Everything is created for some purpose: cars to move fast, planes to carry people for long distance in a very short time. A man comes to Earth for some purpose as well. Look, if you close your car into a garage and forget about it for 2-3 years, this car will be in much worse condition, then an average car used day by day for 10 years. It also regards to the planes and everything else too. And man becomes bored doing nothing. He has to work and achieve his goal. Only following this way a man can find his happiness.

You should figure only on yourself, working on the achievement of your own dream. You shouldn’t rely on good fortune or on other people. Good fortune will be with you, if you act upon achieving of your dream. If you will wait your fortune, you will do it forever. The more you procrastinate, the more difficult will be for you to find your luck. Act yourselves, manage other people cleverly, and fortune will be with you. So I wish you to work hard for the achievement of your dream.

Secret of success #4

Self suggestion is the only known key to the world of sub consciousness.  Self suggestion helps us to control our life in a manner we want our life to develop. ALL THE TIME YOU SUGGEST VARIOUS THOUGHTS AND IDEAS TO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, but you do not to know about it. Each word that you address to yourself and each thought about your qualities or the world around you is self suggestion. What do you think about yourself? Do you like yourself? Your thoughts about yourself are self suggestion as well. Thoughts in your mind transform into emotions. Emotions are the basic line for sub consciousness. And the longer these emotions stay in your mind, the more they impress your sub consciousness. All thoughts deep-rooted in your subconscious mind affect your physical reality. The simplest example: if you don’t like yourself, you act unconfidently, you question each you decision. Self suggestion is a most powerful process (now you understand, why) and leave it is to chance, moving through life spontaneously and unconsciously is at least stupid. You are able to choose your thoughts consciously, so think a couple of minutes about yourself from the best point of view. You are a unique person, there is no the same person in the world. YOU ARE A STAR. Think a while only about your positive qualities. What are you good at? You have a lot of good qualities. Focus on them. How well do you cope with that task, with another task … Think for a while.
Have you noticed your mood has changed a little bit to the positive? But you thought only for a while. If you think 5 minutes, if you repeat this twice a day and then if you think every day repeatedly? Do you understand what will happen? You will finally change your attitude to yourself. You will learn to focus on positive things.

Secret of success #5

At this step miracles take place. Even if you do not know how to achieve your desire, start to set goals. It is a transitional moment from average person to the successful one. It is very important to become aware of this success secret. ALL SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DIDN’T KNOW HOW THEY WERE GOING TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS. It is important for you to have enough courage to set these goals. When you set goals and plan your life for a long period of time in advance, you tune your subconscious mind towards definite variant of development the events. It is like tuning a radio. At first you choose what station you want to listen to, and then you search for it. If you don’t know what you want to listen to, you will find one station then switch quickly to the second one, third one, but you will listen to a noise between stations in most cases. The same takes place in a life. At first you should define where you want to get and then your sub consciousness will tune to that variant of life. The most people don’t choose they walk through life, so unfortunately their life is a continuous 'noise'.

Secret of success #6

The secret of all successful people consist in having good attitude and thinking good towards themselves. But note, they make mistakes more often then you. It is very important to have the right attitude towards yourself. Your attitude towards yourself defines how you treat other people and your personal activity. You must love and respect yourself. If you don’t love yourself you are unable to be useful for anybody in this world. And you are unable to love somebody else. It seems that you love your children, but it is not really so. Everything starts from you. If you don’t love yourself you won’t work for this person because you don’t love him. How can you work for this person? A bad attitude leads to a belief ‘I do not deserve’. And having such belief you are not able to achieve anything in life. The secret of success No.1 says, that in order to get something you should be ready to have it. But you are absolutely not ready to have this. Even otherwise you are not ready to have what you posses now. You think how to keep things I have right now and do not loose the current state. Your own image defines your attitude to the world. The attitude to the world CAN NOT BE better than attitude to yourself. Everything starts from yourself. Do you know, that you can easily change the negative image of yourself by using self suggestion? You simply try to notice, what you have done right and try to remember it, ignoring everything what have been done wrong. More detailed explanation you can find on the self suggestion page. Until you create a good image of yourself don’t try to get something worthwhile. I offer you one phrase, that greatly increases your importance in this world: You are nobody else as a son of God. Imagine how big potential you have. There is nothing impossible for you.

Secret of success #7

You should always study on a road, that leads to success. Acquire a habit to read, read and read every single day. Very important to read something about self development. This website is a good beginning for it. It gives you an idea of success, and you will understand which direction you should move further in. Read on the subject of your occupation for career development or on the subject of your business for its prosperity. Try not waste time. When you are getting to work, listen to the educational materials. There are a lot of such materials in the Internet, you can choose and buy whatever you want. Just download and listen to them. If you are getting to work by car, make your car the university of success. When you are driving turn on and listen to some educational materials. All the time you should have an audio player with you, perhaps it might take place a situation when you have to wait somebody or something. You will be able to avoid the waste of time listening to player. You don’t imagine how much time you are able to save with the help of player. It's size is like the trinket for keys. Do not grudge money on your teaching. People are always interested where to invest their free money: to the bank or investment funds, some stocks. It is a good decision to invest it in your own business, if you have it. If does not, invest you money into your education. Your mind is the most valuable asset. It is able to return you 100% invested money per month. Where will you find 100% monthly rate? Nowhere. Don’t you like reading? Learn it! Don’t you like listening to the player? Learn it! You might not like because you read or listen to something boring or uninteresting?