11:04 PM

Many people want to be financially independent to do whatever they want, whenever they want with whomever they want but only a few of them become so.

So if you are one of them, let me give you 6 reasons why you are still not financially independent.

#1 You think it’s impossible

I spoke with many people about financial independence and each one of them completely agrees on the fact that financial independence is great.
Not worrying about money, travelling wherever we want, buying whatever we want without feeling guilty…is something many people want but only a few of them will ever achieve simply because they will tell themselves:

“Stop dreaming! That’s not going to happen, that’s too good to be true…”
Which boils down to:
“That’s impossible”

That belief is what prevents most people from ever reaching financial independence because if they believe something is impossible they won’t take any action. They won’t read any book about finance, they won’t attend seminars, they won’t interview people who are already financially independent, which is necessary to become financially independent.

#2 You don’t have any plan

If you say that one day you’ll be financially independent make sure you have a plan. Having a strong desire to get something is not enough, you need to implement strategies otherwise that’s just dreaming.

So can you tell me what is your plan for the next 5 years? What will you implement exactly in the future to reach your financial independence?

If you can’t answer both questions, finish reading this article and start writing down your plan. I don’t want you to procrastinate! If you tell me that you’ll make it tomorrow you won’t do it. So start making a plan and stick to it!

#3 You spend all your pay immediately

Don’t be like 80% of people; pay yourself first! That’s the rule n°1. No matter what you’ve read so far about wealth creation or financial independence saving money must be your priority.
So what do I mean by paying yourself first? “Paying yourself first means that every time you get any income you want to immediately put 10% of your money aside (on another account for example). Before paying any rent, any taxes, any loan, food, clothes…”

#4 You take advice

This point is also really important. A lot of people who want to become financially independent take advice from other people around them. That’s a big mistake so if you do it, stop it now.

When you take advice from your friends, family, colleagues…you won’t get any benefits, unless they achieved what you want. The only thing they will give you is thousands of reasons not to invest, not to undertake, not to do this or that. They will hold you back with their fears and expectations.

Only take advice from people who already have the result you want to get!

#5 You don’t make sacrifices

We tend to think that financial independence is something that we will get with time and patience. Time and patience are necessary of course but a lot of efforts are required too.
You need to make some sacrifices! I know when you come back from work or school you’re tired and the only thing you want is lay down on your sofa and watch TV, go on Facebook or watch videos of cute cats on Internet.

If you want to be financially independent forget all of that and read books and watch educational videos about what you want to achieve for example.

You need to get your head right if you want to create wealth. That’s a part of the sacrifices you need to make.

With time you’ll see that you will enjoy it. Reading books will be almost like seeing money coming in into your bank account. But if you notice that after reading 1 or 2 books you don’t enjoy the time you spend getting educated on that topic, you should forget about becoming wealthy. Because what’s the point of becoming financially independent if you don’t like the process involved?

#6 You are not grateful

You need to recognize the wealth you already have. Be grateful for being alive, for having a family, friends…if you are not, financial independence will bring you nothing. Don’t think that money will bring you happiness. If you don’t see the beauty in your life today, you won’t see it tomorrow with $1billion.

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