Mind Control is everything
People wonder why God has
given all the good things in life for some and if not all the bad things at
least enough bad things for them to ponder and worry about almost all
through the day. They curse him for not giving them what they wanted when their
friends or neighbours have the same thing or get the same thing without any
effort on their part. Well it sounds fair and a very common factor to be found
all around us.
Have anyone of these
people ever thought that God has nothing to do in them getting or not getting
whatever things they wanted. In fact he has given all the knowledge and sources
for us to have our own pie and to get whatever we like or however we want to
live this life.
Yes, God, the almighty has
given a precious and powerful tool which most of us never use in its rightful
manner to have their likings. But the tool which he has given functions
properly and without our effort it does its duty and lies dormant waiting for
its master to tame it and reach his desired destinations and things which he
loves the most but don't know how to get them.
Mind. This is the most powerful
and useful tool God has given mankind for him to prosper and evolve through the ages and still in the
process of evolving for many centuries to come. The mind has no limits of its
own. Though we do not know the exact proportion of its power to do things it
has been proved that its power is unlimited and it can link itself even to the
remote parts of the universe to achieve its purpose when prepared in the proper
manner. Scholars, scientists, actors, business magnets, world leaders, religious
heads, magicians and all the famous and skilled people of this world have
reached their heights by their effective use of their minds.
How to use our mind effectively. How
to control it when we can’t even control our emotions or just to stop eating a
chocolate on your desk. Well its easy when it is properly trained. Even our
muscles do not work properly if we don't use it often .Our mind is made of
still more complicated matter which is trained not by doing physical exercise
but by suggestions. Proper words put in a proper manner and suggested to the
mind repeatedly has the attention of the mind and it takes notices of the fact
that this suggestion has to be performed or undergone and it works mysteriously
in its own complex way and just gives us the result without involving us in its
complicate tasks.
Take a task or a thing to be achieved
in a proper manner. Just choose the right words and put it in a simple sentence
and start repeating the sentence often. The words you choose should be
understandable by your brain. Always use positive expressions. Suppose you want
to stop your habit of eating too much. Just choose the words like "I
control my urge of eating" or "I maintain my body by planning my
food". Give also a planned time table of what food and in how quantity you
are going to eat it. Repeat this also regularly and this should be repeated in
a sincere and emotional manner. Try to picture yourself that you are already in
the process of achieving this and put a mental picture often to your brain that
you look slim or fit by doing this and see happy face in your mental picture. Try
also to add some video shots like your girlfriend or boy friend or someone whom
you respect or love is surprised by seeing you in your desired manner and feel
the feeling of happiness and joy which you will attain when you really attain
Repeat this video, picture and
suggestions as often as you can and very soon you will find it like a miracle
that you would be the person you wanted to be. Likewise you can select whatever
likings or aims you want to have or achieve and plan the suggestion and mental
pictures with videos and if possible give a time frame for everything and you
will be astonished that you are also a successful person like any other person
whom you have admired or astonished. Have a wonderful life!!!!