10:48 PM

Everybody talks about motivation and goal setting. It’s timeless. Everyone is also trying to make it look very complicated, like it’s a secret. They even came up with a DVD called “The Secret.” Really? Since when did all of this “motivational” stuff became a secret. When did taking care of yourself and taking responsibility for your own actions become a novelty? Nowadays, people need to actually read a book in order to treat themselves with respect and love. Personally, I don’t believe that you can buy motivation. You either have it or you don’t. I’m not trying to motivate you with this article; instead, I will provide you with the tools to make better decisions and as results live the life you always wanted.

I’m going to talk a little about something we make every day: decisions.

I hope you understand that everything about and around you is a result of your own decisions. Your whole life is a result of your own decisions.  “Decision” is the bridge between your thoughts and your actions.

We make decisions every day. From simple decisions as brushing your teeth to deciding “with or without crème in your coffee.” Everything you do is a result of a decision.
But what is the definition of a “decision” and why is it so important for you to understand this?

When making any decision, whether you like it or not, you are okay with the consequences. We are instantly and subconsciously validating the outcome of our decisions as we are making them.  If you think about it, it only makes sense to make those decisions that will eventually make us happy and achieve our goals; however, that’s not always the case.  For example, when we decide to stay up all night drinking, we are immediately accepting the fact that tomorrow we are going to have a hangover. Why would you complain about being sick after consciously and deliberately make the decision to drink all night? Because we also made a decision to ignore the consequences. It’s almost a state of denial.  As you take responsibility for the consequences of your decisions, you are also deciding to stay in control, therefore, you cannot complain about the outcome. Remember? You accepted the consequences.  By taking responsibility you have the power to change the outcome. If you don’t like or agree with the results of your decisions, change them.  For example, when you decide to go for a swim, you understand and accept the fact you are not going to drown. Bottom line, when making any decision we are accepting the consequences. When people fail to understand this, they will complain about the consequences and will not be happy with the results.

There are two types of decisions: conscious decisions and subconscious decisions.A conscious decision can also be associated with setting goals. When we set a goal, we consciously agree to follow a set of actions that are required to make that goal become reality.  Everyone has a goal, from trying to lose weight to wanting to become successful or any other goal. When you set a goal to lose weight, you agree to exercise and eat healthy, right? That is because it is a conscious goal; however, lots of people have a hard time accomplishing this goal. You’re probably asking why? When making a decision to eat poorly, subconsciously, you are immediately accepting the consequences. Subconsciously, you are accepting to look and feel poorly.  Somehow, it serves a purpose for you to feel that way. You have probably heard the saying “everything you do is for a reason”. Let me tell you… It is! Your subconscious goal will sabotage your conscious goal.

Most of the time, your subconscious goal will prevail. Why? Because it has been there for a long time and it has become part of who you are. You are a walking billboard of your subconscious mind.  If you are like me, you’ll find it foolish to set a goal to become successful but somehow allow your actions to lead you in the complete opposite direction. Why? Because somehow being a victim serves a purpose for you.

Once you understand that making a decision means agreeing and accepting the consequences, you’re going to gain more clarity in making decisions and your success rate will increase.  It’s going to help you “predict” the future. If you’re aware of the consequences, it will only make sense to make the right decisions that support your goals.  My advice to you:  “Don’t make decisions based on how you feel. Make decisions based on what your goals are.”

Thank you and good luck.

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