in this brief article, I want to discuss the four reasons people talk.
The four reasons you talk. I want this article to “open your eyes”
so-to-speak as to what’s often going on around you, even when you’re unaware.
The 4 Reasons People Talk:
1. To
Just listen to yourself and
others the next time you’re on a personal phone call. Why are you saying
what you’re saying, and why is the other person saying what they’re saying,
it’s often to impress. My daughter made straight A’s, I’ve lost 20
pounds, I’m the Senior Vice President of such and such company. I just
got back from Hawaii. We talk to impress. Take a look at your
Facebook “news feed,” if you’re in doubt.
2. To
We have a meeting tomorrow at
9:00am. I need you to pick the kids up at 7:00pm. Don’t forget to
pick up the cleaners. My dog is dying!
3. To
Connect With …..
How was your day? Do you
want to meet for lunch? What are your dreams? The
deepest form of communication is when you communicate to connect. Notice
how these examples are questions. Real communication is not selfish; it’s
a two-way street in which you are generally concerned with how the other person
is doing.
4. To
Disconnect From
Let me get back with you on
that. Don’t call me, I’ll call you. Maybe next time…
final form of communication is speaking to disconnect from. Try to notice
when someone is attempting to disengage, so you know how to respond accordingly.
…On that note, I have to go.